
Captured Avengers

Deviation Actions


Literature Text

“Well this stinks worse than being stuck behind an overweight Badoon.” Rocket Raccoon grumbled as he had his arms chained along with several others.

Rocket, Wolverine, Hulk, Groot and Drax were seen being marched into an arena with chains and cuffs around their wrists. After coming to this strange new world they realized that they were separated from everyone else and had been ambushed by legions of monsters and were overwhelmed and forced to surrender. They had been taken and were now being made to march into an arena.

One of the guards jabbed Drax in the back with his Halberd to force him forward. “That’s one.” He muttered to himself as they were looked on upon from above by the denizens who jeered at them.

They were lead and marched into what appeared to be the entrance of a stadium where thousands of Kaiju and other species as well as some humans were seen.

“Yankee Stadium.” Wolverine noted, he could recognize this place anywhere in the world by the scent alone. Although the place where the once famous Baseball Team played was now been transformed into a Coliseum.  

Looking on it was clear that The Kaiju ruled and lived in luxury, whilst the Humans appeared to be subservient and second class to them in comparison.

“So what the hell are we doin’ here anyway?” Rocket said outloud as they were continued to be made to march.

There was other humans in the place as well and they walked with a dejected step with no life in them.

Slaves…as only slaves walked with that sense of broken inside them. There were used as little more than fodder and would be killed for the amusement of others. Looking on Wolverine saw one being used as a live action target dummy and struck with blunt weapons used by Kaiju covering his body with bruises and welts all over from the impact of the blows.

The same guard from before again jabbed Drax in the back. “That makes two.” Drax said keeping count of how many times he had done it.

The group were made to go and soon were on a barren dirt field and being looked on by the throng who had assembled there.

A Hadrosaurid type Kaiju dressed in fine robes is seen entering a box the Coliseum had and standing at the top looking down upon them spoke up

“Behold these ravaging disgusting barbarians who have been brought forth today!” The Announcer shouted his voice filling The Coliseum as his brought his hand about and pointed at them. The crowd jeered and yelled at the quintet who had their chains and shackles removed.

“You’ve never seen a mirror pal! ‘Cause I’m pretty sure you’ve never won a beauty contest before in your life!” Rocket shouted out and the crowd burst with laughter at his remark

“These wretches that have been brought here shall now be our newest warriors!” The Announcer bellowed. “Whether they die in the next five minutes or five years from now, their sole purpose will be to entertain us as they fight!”

“I Am Groot.”

“What tree man say?” Hulk asked

“Something about how the blood of thousands is mingled in the dirt here and more will be spilled by the end of the day.” Drax responded to him.

“Of course it does.” Wolverine said dryly.

“These new Gladiators will fight with honor and die for our entertainment!” The Announcer proclaimed. “Perhaps one of them may win the hearts of the crowd before they are all killed.” He said and the crowd roared again eager for the fight to begin.

“So we fight some goons and kick some ass? Heh, I might like it here.” Rocket said now enjoying himself.

“Let us test their mettle, Release The Ogre!” The Herald shouted and two Kaiju reached to a wheel and began to spin it activating the gears to a pair of gates.

The gates opened and stomping in was a ten foot four fingered Cyclops monster that had tusks on his mouth and wore a loincloth decorated with skulls. The Brute opened its mouth and bellowed out loudly which echoed throughout the arena. Fixing its lone eye upon them it raised its arms up and pounded them against its chest and charged at them its footsteps smashing against the ground.

“This hurts already.” Wolverine said as he cracked his neck sprouting his claws as they prepared for battle and ran at it.

While that was happening, the others are seen and they too were being made to march through what was once New York City.

Iron Man looked on and shook his head as he saw a group of humans being beaten down and were shoved in cages as they were captured slaves who would be sold to bidders. Those who attempted to fight back were brutally beaten as punishment and made examples of to break the others’ spirits

As they went they saw humans as well who seemed to be working with The Kaiju and were better off, not as slaves but wearing fine clothes and actually seemed to have slaves of their own and be in positions of power

It disgusted Captain America, Steve Rogers that some of humanity would willingly align with them in order to save their own lives.

They were taken to a room and their arms and weapons were taken from them. The Heroes did as they were told unable to fight back at the moment. Cap’s shield, Spider Man’s web slingers, guns and blasters were removed and laid aside which was scavenged by guards looking for anything of worth they had to keep for themselves.

One of the guards a stegosaurus Kaiju discovered Star Lord’s walkman and put it on investigating the music that was playing. “Hey, Hey! Keep your hands off that!” Quill told him seeing it happen. “You put one grimy claw on that and I’ll tear your tail right off!” He told him and the guard snarled at him showing his fangs.

“Let it go Peter.” Gamora told him as guards aimed weapons at him ready to run him through.

“Take them to The Great One.” Raptor Leader ordered and the group was forced to go.

“Haven’t these guys ever heard of automated treadmills or something? My feet are killing me.” Peter Parker complained as they went and came to a set of doors, the guards pulled it open and they were made to go in.

“Great One!” Raptor Leader announced. “I bring forth spoils!” He said as they entered the throne room. The group looked on as they saw someone there surrounded by guards.

On top of the steps seated on a massive throne was a figure they recognized. Remembering him from months ago

“Kanosei,” Tony said and The Ruler looked at him a bit of confusion in his eyes.

“How do you know that name?” He demanded to know that they were privy to such information.

“Don’t you remember dino breath?” Spider Man quipped. “We fought you back in New York in our world, when you showed up and attacked us and Madonna Summers remember?”

“I know nothing of which you speak.” He said in a dismissing tone. “I have never been to your world and I know no one with the name of Madonna Summers.” He said to them. “I am Ju’gunnuth, that is my name and that is what you shall call me.”

“Kneel you fools before his glory!” Raptor Leader barked at them but they weren’t obliging.

“That is enough, they will know their place soon.” Ju’gunnuth said and one of his men brought forth a briefcase the same one of Osiris’s men had and opened it for him and Ju’gunnuth looked on before reaching out and picking one out.

“You,” He said to the helmet less Iron Man, “You have knowledge and ways of blacksmith yes?”

“You can say that.” Tony replied to him.

“As I figured. I can have use of your talents for me.” He said and held out the blueprint of that of The Hulk Buster suit.

“Like my designs eh?” Tony snarkily responded despite the fact he could be killed at any moment. Ju’gunnuth examined it as he stared at it as he looked on at the massive suit that which he had his own design and vision for.

“You will build me a weapon, a suit fit for an Emperor.” Ju’gunnuth informed him. “Did so and you shall all live, refuse and you and your companions one by one will know such unimaginable pain that you will cry out for the mercy that is death before we are done with you.” He warned him.

“Not exactly giving me much of a chance now are you?” Tony said to him and Ju’gunnuth held out his clawed hand before him.

“A deal then?”

“Very well.” Tony said and shook it.

One week later…Latveria

Doctor Doom is seen seated on his Throne in his chambers. The Metal encased Tyrant sat there not speaking a word or even blinking. One would think that he was dead with how silent he was.

A slight shuffle was heard and his left eye twitched and moved over as he saw a pistol aimed at his head and it belonged to a Mercenary clad in Red and Black.

“And just what are the likes of you doing here Deadpool?” He said not bothering to even look at him as The Mutate put the gun away.

“What? I fly to this joint to pay you a visit and you can’t even say hi?” He complained in protest at the cold greeting he was receiving.

“Leave now whilst I still feel merciful.” Doctor Doom ordered him.

“Fine, I’ll leave,” Deadpool said and walked away. “But I thought I’d let you know that I know the deal you’ve got with Osiris.” He called out

“How do you know about that?” Doom said distaste in his voice.

“Oh puh-leasse!” Deadpool responded to him. “I know about everything that’s been typed and written down so far. I know fully well the deal you have with Osiris that you have made with her.”

“Hmph, what does it matter to the likes of you?” Doom responded to him thinking him as nothing more than an annoying flea buzzing about.

“I told those goody two shoes what had really happened back there after Galactus got his can kicked and the two newcomers disappeared and all I got in exchange was chucked halfway to Boston and restraining orders put against me, again.” Deadpool said to him.

“It does not care to me if they know or not, soon they shall all be underneath my heel.” Doom said dismissing him.

“Oh really, then did you know that she’s sent her minions off to the third world then?”

“What?” Doom replied turning to look at him for the first time as he did not know that.

“I see that you didn’t, she has.” Deadpool said in a smug tone. “She sent some of her hired goons to get not only Kanosei who’s gone a name change but to get Madonna as well who now has different powers due to the timeline there being all whacked out of shit. I’m rather curious as to why she didn’t bother to fill you in on that, aren’t you?” He asked him. The Dictator narrowed his eyes at his words. “To keep it short and simple so you don’t stress that marvelous brain of yours you say you have, she’s playing you for a stooge and is looking to double cross you.”

“That woman would be a fool to ever think to double cross Doom!” He shouted at Deadpool as he leaned forward and sat up from his throne.

“Sheesh, you have amnesia or somethin’ Doc? You spout your name all the time as if you are constantly having to remind yourself who you are. Besides, you allied with Wesker remember, and he betrayed you as well sicing Sentinel on you leading to your defeat.” He told him and The Dictator bristled in fury at him. “Not exactly in your Top 10 moments now was it?”

“All I’m saying is that Wesker played you like a harp back in The Big Apple, and by the way things are looking with you here on your ass doing nothing while she gets not one, not two, not four but three worlds for herself.” He said to him. “Where is that leaving you Victor?” He asked him in a serious tone. “Sounds to me like you’re getting screwed big time in this deal with what Osiris is doing as she’s getting everything, and the only thing you’re getting is some table scraps she doesn’t see fit to give to her dogs. I have some bad deals before in my life but even I know when to read the fine print.”

It took everything he had for Doom to not blast Deadpool at his remarks as he bristled with rage at his words. No one dare makes a fool out of him!

“So while you’re seated there on your ass watching the paint dry around here, I’d thought I’d pay a visit to your own machine you’ve got setup and been working on and see what it can do for myself.” Deadpool said and then gave him a mocking salute. “Toodles!” He said and teleported out of the room leaving Doctor Doom all alone.

Later that night…

“Lady Osiris,” The hand of Osiris, the brainwashed X-23 said to the person who on the holographic image before her and other members of The Cabal. “We are positioned and know the layout of his palace.” She informed her as they were at the slums of the city. “Where the guards patrol, what shifts they have and when deliveries are made and where his chambers are.”

“Good, I am pleased you have kept anonymous this whole time and have brought zero attention to you.” Osiris told them as she had finally managed to connect with them having repaired the machine that had brought them to this place.

“How long do you intend to leave us stranded here?” Ronan said as he and others such as Juggernaut had grown impatient over being stuck in The God and Monster world. “Stuck here with these lizards who march as though they are Gods is not my idea of a good time.” He informed her.

“For once I agree with  you.” Juggernaut announced

“Patience Ronan,” Osiris informed him as her image went static for a moment. “Everything shall soon be in place. B.B. Hood, you still have the items I gave you correct and know what to do with them?”

“Of course,” The innocent looking girl who was anything but replied with a smile to her.

“Those idiots are here as well, Dino boy has some of them fighting in the Coliseum while he has shell head workin’ for him.” Juri Han noted as she had served as the spy for the group and found out everything they needed to know.

“I expected as much, do not engage them, any of them.” Osiris ordered them. “Ju’gunnuth is who we need, anything else from here is worthless. I shall soon journey myself to this place with my army. I expect you to have captured him by the time I’ve arrived. Once we have him we’ll only need one more piece to complete the puzzle. No deaths or killings, is that clear?”

“As you wish.” Vile responded with a slight bow of his head.

“I shall join you in less than 24 hours, once I have we move to next stage.”

“Yes Lady Osiris.” X-23 said to her and the image faded.

Osiris put away the imager and looked on as the machine was almost fully restored. “Doctors Hyde and Crawler, are we prepared?”

“In a few short hours everything shall be ready for you to use.” Dr. Hyde responded to her.

“M.O.D.O.K see to it that The Mechaniloids are prepped and ready,” She ordered the being in the hover chair. “And see to it that my personal vessel is ready.”

“As you command your greatness.” He said bowing his head as he went on and she looked on and smiled as it was almost time.

The Blacksmiths and slaves in the foundry worked day and night there, working on and crafting weapons and armor to be wielded. Overseers looked on and patrolled cat o’ nine tails in hand to use on anyone who was slacking off and to use whenever it amused them.

Tony, Steve, Peter, and Starlord were forced to work there, ordered to work at the foundry and build Ju’gunnuth his envisioned weapon.

“I’m sure JJ would love to see this right now.” Spider Man dryly snarked. “Menacing Web Slinger works in Steel Mill for living Dinosaur, more on Page 3!” Peter Parker proclaimed as they were on one of the few breaks they had gotten.

Noise was heard and some were watching a TV that was showing Gladiator Fights and they recognized those on there.

“Logan and them all are holding up well,” Steve said as they had been forced to fight in The Gladiator Games and thus far had been victorious in their battles and had become favorites of the crowd.

“Drax is a former gladiator remember.” Peter Quill told him. “This is right up his alley and the same with Rocket.”

“My concern is what happened to Thor,” Steve said voicing his fears. “He hasn’t been seen with us nor at the arena. No one’s seen a single sign of him this whole time.”

“A God would be pretty useful right about now.” Peter Parker mentioned.

“Well, we may not need a God in order to bust out of here.” Tony said to them and they looked at him.

“This isn’t the first time I was held captive and ordered to make a weapon for someone remember? And the dumbest thing you can ever do to a genius is to lock him up with all sorts of gadgets to finagle about with am I right?” He said to them.

“What are you planning Tony?” Steve asked him.

“Lizard Lips wants me to build him a suit,” Tony said before sporting his trademark smile. “I’ll build him a suit alright, a suit that will fit him perfectly with all he wants. But it’ll the type he’ll only ever want to wear once.” He said and went back to work.

Black Widow and Gamora are seen, the two were being held captive as leeway against The others to force them to build. The two are shown and wearing outfits that attracted many leers from less than savory characters as they were in a room.

One of them a human marauder actually seemed to think he had a chance with them.

“Give me a kiss and I can see you’re treated well here.” The man said and reached out to touch her hair

Gamora smiled flirtingly at him, and rammed her foot right into his groin. The man collapsed into a heap in pain from the blow.

“Stupid fool.” A Kaiju guard said in disgust. “These are only for The Great One, they are not to be touched by the likes of you.” He said and rammed the pole of his weapon into his head as further punishment.

“Idiot human.” An ogre guard mentioned as well and let out a laugh

Raptor Leader appeared and gave commands to his men in the Kaiju tongue and pointed at Natasha ordering her to be brought. She was forced to go whilst others kept their weapons on Gamora to make sure she didn’t try anything as Natasha was escorted to a room.

As they went they were unaware of figures who were in the lower levels making their way…

Black Widow watched on as she was brought to a secret room and the valve slipped open and she went in with only Raptor Leader.

Ju’gunnuth was seen and he was standing in front of an Arc Reactor but made out of Iron.

“A work of fine craftsmanship is it not,” He said and turned around to face her. “Eons ago, my kind were thought of as nothing more than animals but now, we have surpassed the gods themselves who looked down at us from their perches.”

“Just who are you?” Black Widow asked him and suddenly a secret passage opened and two Ogre guards lead a person in. A man was brought in chains on his arms and legs. He walked with dirty unkempt blonde hair and had his head down

“Thor?” She whispered as she looked on. It was him, he was here with them after all.

“I could’ve sworn I crushed your skull when I conquered your kind, yet you are still here.” Ju’gunnuth said to him but Thor said nothing in response. “I know who you are Thor, yet I don’t know how you are still alive after all this time.” He told Thor who looked on.

“I remember it all, you and your wife and daughter.”

Wife? Daughter? Thor had no wife or child. Natasha thought to herself as it seemed as though Ju’gunnuth had confused him

“Have you forgotten, has your mind become so decrepit since then? Eons ago, my kind The Kaiju ruled these lands, as Titans unopposed. Even the smallest of our kind could take down entire cities. But then that day changed when you, coming from The Stars, the realm of Asgardar and descended on this world. They used their technology and combined it with their magic and used it to shrink and weaken us. We no longer had the power we once had as our domain was taken from us driving us to the outskirts of the land.” Ju’gunnuth explained to them. “But we were not yet vanquished. I swore a blood oath to take back the lands you stole from us, to regain our power and bring back The Indomitable Hunt and despite all that had happened with your miserable daughter who defeated me once, I now reign supreme and to other worlds I shall soon go.

“I remember your sow of a daughter, I remember how she trapped me between too boulders and crushed me!” Raptor Leader proclaimed. “I will never forget what that miserable woman did to me and will take great pleasure in splitting her skull in front of you once I find her.”

Thor looked on at him still not saying anything

“Stand down,” Ju’gunnuth ordered him. “He is no threat to anyone, maybe I can find a use for him one day. Take him away.” He ordered and Thor was taken away leaving Natasha alone in the room with him.

“Kanosei, yes Kanosei I was once called that but no more.” Ju’gunnuth said to her suddenly as he recalled the meeting that had happened. “When I became Chieftain and brought about The Indomitable Hunt, I lead my clan to battle and conquered The Kingdom of The Gods, I became much more that day.” He said as he remembered stepping into the room and what he learned. “Before I was ignorant and unwise, little more than a witless brute but now I’ve become more than even I thought possible.”

“And now you believe that gives you the right to torture and harm others, even if they look like someone from the past and threaten their family?” She asked him

Ju’gunnuth turned his eyes upon her and snarled warningly. “My memory is long Woman, I will never forget what has happened.”

“What of Madonna Summers?”

“I’ve told you I know no one of that name,” He snarled at her. “There is only one person who I’ve recalled after all this time and I want her head on a platter so that I know she’s dead.” He said narrowing his eyes. “Her name is Zeita.”

“Zeita?…But she was in New York with you when you appeared.”

“Impossible,” He said in a dismissing tone. “I’ve never been to your world and I would’ve detected her easily enough if she was here. We are bonded to each other through our battles, it’s been many a year since I last saw her when she fled.” He told her. “Our fates our intertwined with one another and soon we shall fight.”

“You believe yourself invincible, with what you plan to do? Using Tony to build you a suit of your own design to remove any flaws?”

“At one time, yes, I was once vulnerable but now no longer shall I fear it, not only with The Crimson Ore flowing through me but with his new suit no one can dare to hinder me. Once he has finished building my suit, I shall fear nothing ever again. I shall reign unstoppable and I shall use this technology to bring The Kaiju to The Stars and bring The Indomitable Hunt to all corners of The Galaxy.” He proclaimed to her.

Natasha from all her experience knew from the tone in his voice despite his attempts to hide it that despite his bolster and belief in his strength, doubt and suspicion was ever gnawing at him, Ju’gunnuth or Kanosei as he once was called was not above fear despite what he claimed. He feared that someone could possibly thwart him and defeat his army. So he was taking any precaution and necessary steps in order to make sure that that didn’t happen. There was a hint of paranoid about him as one lucky bullet or hit was all that was needed to bring an end to his dream and he knew it.

Ju’gunnuth was about to say something to her when he suddenly stopped and sniffed the air and his eyes narrowed. “Who’s there!” He shouted and his hand became encased in magma and he plunged his fist into a wall, the wall shattered and he pulled it out and revealed in his hand a robotic person wearing a mask with a cannon strapped to his shoulder. “An assassin?” He inquired as he held them and tried to crush him in his mighty claw.

“Hands off dino breath!” Vile, The Maverick shouted as his fired a laser from his blaster getting him in the face forcing Ju’gunnuth to drop him. “Eat this!” He shouted and lobbed a grenade at him that exploded against his body.

Natasha seeing her chance ran knowing she was at a risk here.

Two women leapt out from the rubble of the wall, The Hand of Osiris and Juri. “Over here Barney!” Juri taunted him her Feng Shui eye glowing. He fired magma at them which they dodged avoiding his attacks. Juri and X-23 charged him and landed hits on him and avoided his attacks relying on their speed.

Bullets fired from Vile’s hand cannon and shoulder blaster riddled his hide but didn’t penetrate. B.B. Hood pulled out a RPG from her basket and pulled the trigger and setting it loose and it hit him forcing him to stagger backwards. Roaring he let loose a great bellow the force of it knocking them away.

Snarling he went to attack when a pair of hands grabbed around him and he found himself grabbed by a giant man encased in armor. He summoned his eels which bit Juggernaut’s arms forcing him to break the hold and he elbowed him across the face and turned and threw a punch at him which was met with one of Juggernaut’s own the two clashing against one another’s.

“Juggernaut, detain him!” The brainwashed X-23 ordered him.

The two titans locked up and battled one another engaging the other in test of strength.

“I don’t know what the hell you’re thinking calling yourself my name, but I’m The Only Juggernaut!!” Cain Marko shouted to him behind his helmet.

“You insolent fool!” The Kaiju bellowed at him. “I am Ju’gunnuth! Lord of this World and The Worlds beyond it, Master of The Indomitable Hunt! Slayer of The Great Gods! I cannot be bested by a mere human!” He shouted at him.

The two like wild bulls fought for supremacy against one another not backing down as they attempted to push the other back. Juggernaut grabbed him by the shoulders and shoved him into the wall and Ju’gunnuth bit down on his shoulder his teeth leaving marks on his armor. The two continued fighting one another locked unwilling to let go unaware that the wall behind them was breaking and Ju’gunnuth reached down and lifted him up and slammed him into the wall destroying it and went to toss him down but Juggernaut clunged to him and pulled him down with him.

The two plummeted and fell downwards still fighting one another over four stories before hitting the ground leaving a deep crater, one of the statues put up designed as a Kaiju cracked and broke apart before shattering from the impact of the landing as the two emerged still engaged with one another fury and rage in each of their eyes.

A Hammer flew out and whacked Ju’gunnuth across the face, he turned and saw a man with blue skin who caught the Hammer as it returned to Ronan The Accuser and with him was Vile aiming his blaster at him having teleported down and was joined by X-23 and the others facing him six to one.

“Surrender.” The Hand of Osiris ordered him and he narrowed his eyes in fury at her command.

“You aren’t the first assassins I’ve flailed the skin from their bones from,” He told them all as he snarled filled with rage. “And I shall crush your bodies the same way I’ve done those who‘ve opposed The Kaiju Empire!”

Point Commission done for alienhominid2000

Disclaimer: I don't own anything involved in this
© 2016 - 2024 SaiyanWarrior002
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