
Family History

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Literature Text

“There it is. Carmilla Manor.” The woman said looking on at the sight before her. The woman had her brown hair in a ponytail and wore a green shirt and brown khaki shorts. “Took a long time to get here but finally made it.” She said as she looked on at it with binoculars.

Lara Croft, world renowned archaeologist and treasure hunter looked on at the manoe before her. A castle that was a thousand years old. She had come here to explore it. She had made her way through the forest hacking through the trees and foliage to make her way to it at last. It was one of the oldest castles in all of Europe and that had made it tempting to go see. She had wanted to visit this place for many years and now finally she could.

Lara looked on at it as she remembered The Locals telling her about it. Carmilla Manor had once been the home to a powerful family that all had been wiped out eons ago during The late Medieval Times during the early fifteen hundreds. When she had pressed for more info the locals were reluctant to tell her as the bridge to it had been destroyed so no one could step foot in it. When it had been set under siege the invaders after pillaging the place had destroyed it so no one could set foot in it. No one knew why they did, rumors said The Family who lived in it practiced inhumane arts and would snatch victims from nearby towns and villages and so Powerful and Noble families had banded together and laying siege to it destroyed The Family down to the last man.

The Manor was old, but despite being worn down it still held strong as if defying those who sacked it and time itself. The Bridge was destroyed so no one could enter it so she‘d have to find another way in.

To someone like Lara Croft, being told something was impenetrable just meant she hadn’t done it yet. That just made it even more tempting to her to go and break into it and discover its secrets.

“Let’s see, a way in.” She mused as she looked around. “Hello, what have we here?” She said as she saw a possible way in. There was a tree nearby that was tall and almost within reach of The Manor. Analyzing a plan she began to set it in motion. She climbed up on top of it and scaled the tree climbing up the branches with ease and dexterity. She reached the top of it and was on a branch and nodded as she was close to it. Too far to leap though she noted. But that wasn’t going to stop Lara Croft.

Slipping her bag off her shoulders. Lara pulled out a long rope and a bow and arrow as well. Trying a knot around the arrow she set it in the bow and took aim at the Wall. She released it and it flew and stuck into the wall and she smirked as her plan worked as she tied the rope to the tree branch making sure it was sturdy as she had a way in. Taking hold of the rope she wrapped her arms and legs around it and began to make her way.

She shimmied her way slowly across it. Going across the rope she made her way to the manor. She was halfway there when she noticed that she had misjudged it as she saw that their was very little places for her to climb or grab hold of. “Bloody Hell.” The English woman muttered in annoyance. “Wait, what’s that?” She said as she saw a window nearby. She looked at it and saw it was big enough for her to fir through. She dropped her legs down and swung her body timing herself. If she missed she would plummet down far below and splatter amongst the rocks

Taking a deep breath Lara leapt going through the window and into the Manor. She dropped into a roll as she pulled herself up and dusted off.

“Not my best entrance.” She muttered a bit annoyed at what happened. “But I’m in that’s what matters.” She said to herself as she was inside The Manor. The first person to do so in hundreds of years. She got a flashlight out and turned it on and looked around the place.

She examined the sight of it as it was carved from both wood and stone. She examined the tapestries, that which hadn’t been seen by human eyes in generations.

She exited the room and came to a large room in the hall and noticed a large painting in the center of it. She climbed up the stairs which creaked with each step and flashed her light on it. A family was shown in it. Perhaps the family who had lived here and had ruled from its domain she mused to herself as she looked on at it. Despite the age of the painting and the dust gathered on it she could make out the people on it who looked down at her.

Lara explored the manor, looking around at the sights and places of it. Most of it had been destroyed and left to rot when it had been pillaged but some was still intact. What great finds these would be. Bring to light to the entire world The History of The Family who lived here from their raise to their fall.

She came to a chamber room and examined it. It appeared by the style of it, it would belong to The Lady of The Manor and Matriarch. Lara looked on at it and examined the room. She looked around it and studied the paintings in the room. One that stood out to her the most was of a drawing of a hand holding a cup of red wine. The Tomb Raider examined it staring at it when she noticed something off about one of the edges. She looked and could see that cleverly hidden on it was a button.

“What’s this?” She mused to herself and reached over and pressed her thumb against it and pushed down. The button gave way and she heard the creaking sound of gears turning and moving. She backed up as she looked and saw a secret passage reveal itself and began to slide back revealing a door.

The door opened and she looked on and saw the room and stepped inside The Hidden Room. “What have we here?” She asked looking on at the large object in the center of it.

A Coffin, a Coffin made of metal laid in the center of the room. Lara approached it carefully and wiped some dust off it revealing a symbol on it that had been on the painting she remembered. Apparently the family’s coat of arms and banner. Lara stared on looking at the coffin examining it. She noticed that a lock was on it. Cleverly laced with a poison as well that would sprung if anyone should try to open it.

Lara reached into her pack and pulled out a lock picking kit. Carefully she set it and began to go to work. With focused precision and cool control she worked to remove the seal and lock on it. One false step and she be covered in poison. After a few tense heavy minutes of picking and adjusting she broke the lock on it. “Let’s see who’s resting in here.” She said and gripping the lid lifted it up and opened it.

To her surprise a woman was lying in the Coffin. Lara looked on in confusion at what she saw lying in it. She expected to see the remains of whoever was put in it but not this.

The woman had long green hair and was wearing a red rose colored dress. Jewelry adorned her as she wore a choker necklace and bracelets on her arms. Blue sapphire earrings dangled from her ears which were pointed.

Lara looked on at her. The woman looked like she hadn’t aged a day which surprised Lara at the state her body was in. There should just be the remains of her skeleton left in it.

Suddenly the woman’s eyes opened.

“What the?!” Lara shouted backing up at what just happened at what she saw. She reached and pulled out her double pistols hoisting them in the air as she looked on as the woman’s hands grasped the side of the coffin and she sat up pulling herself up out of the sarcophagus.

“Free at last, after so many years I am free.” The woman said and an unpleasant grin formed on her face as she was finally able to walk amongst the earth again. She brought a hand up and stroked her hair. She sniffed and her grin grew. “Something smells delicious.” She said as she grinned and fangs appeared in her mouth as she looked on at Lara Croft.

“What the hell are you?!” Lara shouted at the woman keeping her pistols aimed at her.

“Camula,” The woman said to her. “You may call me Camula. Lady of The Carmilla Family. At long last I am free of my prison that I had been in.” She said with a smile. She had sealed herself in The Coffin ages ago. When those wretched humans had come and destroyed her family and castle. She had sealed herself inside of it in the hidden so she could escape the fate of them. Vowing revenge upon those who had killed her family and destroyed her home as one day she would return as she went into a long sleep.

Lara stared at her unsure of what to make of this.

Camula sniffed again and her eyes narrowed in anger. “A Croft, you are a Croft!” She said hissing surprising Lara. “I remember that smell of your blood very well!” She said as she took a step forward

“What are you talking about?” Lara said to her aiming at her. “I am a Croft, Lara Croft but I don’t know who or what you are. Back off or I’m putting a bullet in your head.” She told her.

Camula glared at her. “So it appears much longer has passed than I thought if you do not know who I am.” She told Lara. “The Crofts destroyed my family. They attacked us and butchered my brother five hundred years ago. They and other families joined up and attacked us sparing no one.” She said as she recalled the horrific scenes in her mind of seeing her brother impaled through the stomach and doused with holy water burning his skin off. The Crofts had long been on her list of those she desired revenge against.

And Lara had freed her.

“You humans have always feared my kind, Vampires.” She said as she glared at Lara who looked surprised at what she was saying. “We had no quarrel with most of you so long as you did not bother us and yet you come with your silver and crosses and holy water and tear us apart.” She said narrowing her eyes at her. “I have waited five hundred years for revenge and I shall have it!” She said snarling and advanced

Lara fired at her and the bullet hit her in the shoulder. A hole appeared in Camula’s shoulder and she looked at it and the hole slowly shrunk and returned to normal to Lara’s shock. As if the bullet hadn’t even hit her. Lara fired again hitting her in the head and chest but the wounds healed instantly with zero damage done to her. Camula grinned at Lara as her pistols clicked as she was out of ammo. She turned to ran out of the room so she could regroup

Camula advanced upon her and stretched out her hand and Lara suddenly felt her body unable to move. Her body wasn’t moving on its own as she struggle.

“Come here!” Camula ordered and Lara felt her feet starting to move on their own as they turned around and she began to slowly walk towards Camula. Lara struggled trying to stop her body from moving on its own. She grasped the side of a door with her hand and hold onto it. Camula smirked and stretched out her other hand and she felt her grip slide as she let go of it and stumbled towards The female Vampire.

“I am hungry.” She said licking her lips. “Hungry for blood.” Camula said as she was staring at Lara’s neck as she stopped in front of her. Lara struggled trying to break free but to no avail as she couldn’t move a muscle as Camula was using some sort of magic to bind her body and control her movements. Camula grinned revealing her fangs again as she caressed Lara’s face cupping it with both hands. “You shall satisfy me most greatly.”

“Never!” Lara shouted trying to break free but nothing she did was working as her body wouldn’t move.

Camula grinned as she took her in her arms and dipped her down and traced a finger around her neck as she felt the artery where her blood was at. Lara now had fear in her eyes as Camula opened her mouth wide.

Before she could say anything Camula bit down on her neck. Lara cried out in agonizing pain as she felt her fangs pierce her neck. She tried to pull away from her but she could not as she felt her neck being torn out.

Sweet Nectar entered Camula’s mouth as she sucked and drained her of blood. She let out a moan of pleasure as she felt Lara’s blood enter her mouth and swallowed it. It had been far so long since she had had the taste of blood upon her lips. Nothing in the world tasted as good as another person’s blood. And that it was one of her hated enemies made it even more juicer in Camula‘s mind.

Lara’s eyes began to flutter shut as her hands weakly fell to the floor. Her eyes closed as her body went cold.

Camula pulled away her lips bloody and stared at the lifeless woman. She had her revenge at long last.

However, a plan formed in her mind as a way to have a more suitable revenge. Lara’s blood was that of a Virgin. And she was a Croft even if she didn’t know her families true history. She knew a way to make her family truly pay for what they had done and to taunt all her ancestors as well.

“Your all mine Lara Croft.” She told her and kissed her covering her lips with her own blood.

Camula laid in the bed in the room that had belonged to her, a smile was on her face as she stroked the shoulder of Lara Croft who laid unconscious on top of her. Camula had an arm wrapped possessively around her so she wouldn’t move.  Lara had been undressed removed of her clothes into an outfit more fitting for her in Camula’s eyes. A dress similar to what Camula wore adorned her body.

All she needed was a brief rest and then she would go out to the world and have her fun. Lara’s blood had been quite refreshing to her as she hadn’t had pure human blood in quite some time.

The Vampiress chuckled as she stared at Lara’s face the helpless woman being made her slave. The first of a new generation that she would create so they would thrive once again and have her revenge on those who wiped out her kind. The Crofts she had already had her revenge upon as she looked on at her. “You have my gratitude for freeing me of my tomb Lara,” She told her. “For that your reward I’ve given you is eternal.” She said and kissed her on the forehead with an evil grin.

Lara faintly stirred and her mouth opened slightly.

Revealing a fang…

A point commission for Dragon-Cana-Love who wanted a story with Camula turning Lara Croft into a Vampire

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh or Tomb Raider
© 2014 - 2024 SaiyanWarrior002
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