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Literature Text

It is said that the longer you wait to have your Revenge, the sweeter it will taste once you have it.

For The Emerald haired woman who was seated in The Castle, she found that to be very true as she had her revenge at long last.

The Vampiress known as Camula sat on the chair in the middle of the room as she stared up at the moon. Smiling at it she stood up and gazed up at its beauty through the window.

A pair of hands suddenly wrapped around her body from behind. “Mistress.” The transformed Alexis Rhodes said to her with a smile staring at her affectionately at her lover as she hugged her.

“Alexis my darling what is it?” She asked her smiling back at her slave who smiled at her. Camula brought her hand up and softly kissed it causing Alexis to giggle at the feeling of her lips against her skin.

“They are doing well upon their resurrection.” Alexis told her as she wore the same outfit Camula wore that she had been dressed in when Camula had defeated her and made her into a Vampire.

“That is good, our kind is becoming numerous once more.” She said with a toothy smile showing her fangs. Her kind was once again ready to walk The Earth. From near extinction to back from the brink and thriving again. Alexis smiled as well at her showing her own fangs she possessed.

Camula did not care what Kagemaru desired his dream of restoring his youth. Nor of what the other Shadow Riders wanted either. It did not concern her what they wanted. The only reason she associated herself with them was that they were a means to a end. Once she had gotten what she wanted she’d have no need of them.

Camula looked on at Alexis’ red eyes that had once been brown that had been changed when she had turned her. She cupped her face as Alexis stared at her eyes with an adoring look in her eyes. “You have done well my darling, without you I may have not been able to succeed in my plan.” She said and Camula leaned forward and kissed her and Alexis moaned and began to return it back to her.

After turning her into one Camula knew she had to do her duty as a Shadow Rider. She had to obtain the seven keys that Kagemaru wanted that those at The Duel Academy had in order to unlock The Sacred Beasts. She had put her plan into motion setting up in obtaining them from the fools. Alexis posed as her normal self during it, wearing a charm that would make her resistant to the Sun and none of them had a clue that something happened to her. At night Alexis would return to her loving Mistress’ embrace as they formed their plans as Camula soon gave out the challenge to them and like she anticipated they had come running to face her in a duel.

The Arrogant Chazz had been first, foolishly challenging her to battle unaware that she knew every trick and move he had thanks to the bats she and Alexis now commanded that spied on him and the others. He had lost the moment they drew their first hand. She had vanquished the smug boy’s monsters and took his soul sealing it within a doll. Remembering the look in his eyes as they went from confidence to terror as Vampire Genesis shredded his life points to zero.

Dr. Crowley had been next, he had dueled well, better than Camula would give him credit but in the end the result was the same and she took his soul as well as Vampire Bat swarmed all over him. Two souls she had obtained.

She had challenged Zane to face her next but Jaden had been next to duel coming forth. She had anticipated this, she knew his type. The moment his friends and companions were in danger he had come rushing just like she expected he would. They had dueled and Jaden had been victorious thus winning back his friends souls from her and seemingly vanquishing her as she disappeared in a whirl of bats never to be seen again.

Or so they thought…

Unknown to them Camula had purposely thrown The Duel against him. She knew Jaden via her bats and what Alexis had told her was skillful and perhaps too much for her so she had lost on purpose. She had not activated Illusion Gate so her soul and body was intact and still at large after losing to him. Lulling them into a false sense of security thinking they had won and had seen the last of her while she remained hidden.

Then Camula had Alexis put the next part of her plan into action. Alexis had taken The Choker after the duel claiming she would put it in a place were no one could find it. They trusted her, after all. Hadn’t she always been there for her friends and supported them? While Jaden and his pitiful band dealt with the other Shadow Riders and Kagemaru. Alexis would go and challenge The Students at the Academy in private with no one knowing what was going on. Unknowing that they were waging their souls against her when they dueled. Alexis would defeat them and take their souls after doing so, gathering them and putting them into dolls that she would use.  The buffoonish Chumley was among those she turned. The others were unaware thinking that it was the other Riders who were doing it attacking the students and faculty members. Not once did they suspect it was Alexis who was taking the souls of them. There was worry about what had happen and some thought The Academy would be shut down. Alexis gave each doll she obtained to Camula offering their souls as sacrifice to restore her kind.

With each soul she gave her Camula rewarded Alexis with the gifts of The Vampire arts as well as new cards to use and pleasuring her in return as Alexis wanted nothing more than to please her beautiful mistress who she loved.

Camula pulled away from Alexis breaking the kiss and leaning forward to her neck bit it playfully causing her to moan in pleasure at the feeling of it. Her teeth and fangs against her neck which she loved the feeling of. Outside her brethren were among the castle having been brought back to life and enjoying their new lease on life.

“Blair, bring us refreshments.” Alexis ordered and a small purple haired girl with blank solemn eyes came in carrying a trail containing wine the color of blood on it. She wordlessly put it down on the table in the room. She was the lone girl at The Slifer Dorm and had been turned into an obedient servant. When she was older she might make a suitable Vampire later on after she grew up a bit and matured.

The two picked up a glass and toasted each other, for the success of Camula’s plan and clinked the glasses together and drank.

Alexis reported to her the defeats of the other Riders who fell in battle against them. It mattered little to Camula although Abidos she’d admit was handsome. Alexis had disposed of Titan herself to keep up the act that her friends bought into. Aside from a distaste of garlic no one ever figured she was any different

After Kagemaru had been defeated by Jaden and returned to his pitiful withered old state was when Camula made her move striking back and getting back her Choker. Using its power she sacrificed the old fools’ soul giving her even more power and access to more powerful cards and revealed her plan as Alexis had changed before their eyes into her vampire form wearing a red outfit like Camula had on revealing herself under her command and her and Camula first dueled against Bastion and Chazz teaming up against them.

They had crushed them effortlessly, and took their souls upon defeating them. Crowler had been next and then Syrus had fallen before them as well.

Camula her arms wrapped around Alexis’s waist looked on and smiled when she spotted a blue haired figure amongst her kin. A recent addition to The Vampires that had been recently turned into one.

Zane had challenged her determined to save his brother and the others. The two dueling one another with much on the line. However he had fallen before her when she activated her Trump Card the feared Illusion Gate and put Cyrus’s soul on the line when she did. If he won and managed to defeat her in the duel, Cyrus’ soul would be taken as payment and sacrifice for it much to his shock that she would resort to such tactics.

Zane seeing no choice had not done anything his next move. He couldn’t do it, he couldn’t bear the thought that his brother would pay the price because of him. Camula taking advantage of it unleashed her beasts and destroyed his monsters as he did not activate any of his trap cards on the field that he had that could’ve won the duel for him if he did and wiped out his life points defeating him.

His love for his brother had touched her undead heart so instead of taking his soul, Camula decided to turn him into a Vampire. Drinking his blood and turning him from mortal to a creature of the night under her command. In due time she would bring his brother back to life.

Camula and Alexis flowed across the room as they danced in each other’s arms. Their movements lithe and graceful as they danced their eyes on each other. The two smiling at one another as they continued their dance as it was just the two of them with no audience or onlookers in the room.

Camula dipped Alexis downwards playfully running her hand up her chest trailing her fingers up it. Alexis looked up at her with an adoring look in her eyes as red met red. Camula pulled her up and they continued their dance.

A most fitting position was put in place for one of the mindless obedient servants who were in the Castle. Humans most from the academy who’s souls she hadn’t taken that had been turned into slaves much like Blair was.

Jaden after recovering from his duel with Kagemaru had emerged ready to do battle with her. Determined to defeat her again and stop what she was doing. This time promising to leave her out in front of the sun with no umbrellas after he defeated her.

But it wasn’t Camula who he dueled against as she had declined his challenge but Alexis instead. Alexis had faced him in a duel instead much to Jaden’s shock that he would have to fight her first to get to Camula. Camula had watched on at what was happening as the two began their duel and went back and forth with each other. Jaden vowing to put a stop to what Camula was doing and rescue his friends and turn them back and save them from their fate as he had no choice but to duel Alexis.

Jaden had prepared to finish her and win it putting her life points under five hundred when she activated Illusion Gate and using its dreaded effect told him what would happen if she lost the duel as she wagered her own soul on the line upon doing so. Alexis putting her soul at stake much to his disbelief that she would do so. Daring him to fight back against her after she had played it. If he won the duel she would die permanently as her soul would be absorbed into the Gate upon losing and there was nothing he could do to stop that from happening. He could not bring himself to do it, he could never live with himself if he was responsible for her demise. Unable to bring himself to attack her he left himself open and defenseless before Alexis’ onslaught bringing his life points down to zero and defeating him.

Alexis had approached the defeated Jaden after doing so and first fooled him into thinking she was back to normal and she wasn’t a vampire only to sink her fangs into his neck draining his blood and Camula grinned as she had watched on as Jaden had been turned into a mindless servant by her under her command. To do her biding forever as he was her own slave.

Camula kissed Alexis again on the lips the blonde moaning into it as The Emerald haired Vampiress held her in her embrace. As she was kissed by Camula Alexis playfully bit her mistress’s lips with her fangs. Not hard enough to draw blood or hurt her, but enough to add a bit of additional pleasure to it.

Camula cupped her face stroking it and let out a laugh. “My dear Alexis the beginning of a new era for our kind has begun.”

“Yes Mistress.”

Camula and Alexis teleported themselves with magic from the room to the top of The Castle standing on the rooftop as they looked out across The Island that was now theirs and looked to the Mainland. Dark grins on their faces as they looked on at it as they were unaware of what had happened.

The whole World and all its inhabitants shall soon bow to The Vampires.

A follow up to this. Credit goes to WhiteIcePrince who suggested it.…

Disclaimer: I don't own any version of Yu-Gi-Oh
© 2014 - 2024 SaiyanWarrior002
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ShivaIII's avatar

Love this story! Well thought out, As both a vampire fan and a dueling fan. I say well done!