

Deviation Actions


Literature Text

A large bronze jar was seen in the middle of the room. Positioned there in the center it was as the onlookers of snake like beings watched on as some had instruments.

At the front of the room was a female being who looked on at the scene before her. The upper body of a woman and the lower half of a snake she possessed.

The dark haired Lamia seated on her makeshift throne looked on a cruel smile on her face. Agnita watched on before bringing her hands up and clapped them together to order them to begin.

Music began to flow as instruments were played as it filled the hall. A slow tone filled with a rhythmic beat to it. The music was played throughout filling the place with noise

Emerging from the jar was a girl with long dark hair in bows clad in a skimpy black and red belly dancer outfit. She had her arms above her head as she swayed and moved her body to the beat of the music as she exited the jar and stepped foot on the stone floor

“Dance for me Slave.” Agnita called out to Mari, the girl having been under her control and having entertained herself with her new toy as she gave a command. “Dance for your loving Mistress.” She ordered her as she had enjoyed everyday she had with her and the new ways she had thought up of having fun with her captive.

“As you wish Mistress.” Mari replied with a smile and bringing her arms up above her head began to do so. “I live to serve you.”

“That’s right.” Agnita replied. “Now put on a good show for me.”

Mari danced across the room, her arms above her head and swaying her hips. She spun and twirled her body around for their viewing pleasure as she flaunted her body her hands running through her black locks.

Agnita looked on grinning as Mari swayed and moved her belly and swished her hips to the beat of the music that was being played. She moved about with grace and skill as the hypnotized village girl that she had kidnapped before continued to perform for her.

Mari continued to do so as all her thoughts and mind was only about serving her Mistresses’ whims and be rewarded by her for doing so. She danced about as she performed a double spin.

She then began to sing a song as it flowed from her lips.

"I Truuuust Youuuuuu...Oooooo Miiiiiiistress...

My truuuust in youuuuu is not amiiiiiiiiiss...

I'm youuuur slaaave, hiiiiiiiipnotized...

I'll neeeever leeeeve your siiiiide...

I liiiisten to your voiiiiice

I loooook into your eyeeees

I wiiill dance for you

While youuuu hypnotiiiiize...

Soooo relaxed...soooo in bliiiiiss...

Your eyeeees and voiiice are your kiiiiiss...

I truuuust youuuuu....Oooooo miiiiiistreeeeesss...

My tuuuuust in youuuuu is not amiiiiiiiiiiiiss..."

Finishing her song, Mari had laid and positioned herself on Agnita’s coils who lifted her up before her and kissed her slave deeply on the lips and pulled away a grin on her face as she could never get bored with her.

“You’re mine forever slave.” Agnita said to her and let out a cackle which could be heard throughout her lair.

As the festivities were happening, they were unaware that a young hunter was seen approaching the ruins. He could hear the sound of music coming and the drums being pounded on. Faintly as he looked on he saw the silhouettes and shadows of those within off the walls. He looked on at it but wasn’t deterred as he stepped forward.

The man had short hair and carried a rifle in his arms along with other gear on his person that he had to protect himself. “It appears that the rumors were true after all.” The Hunter, known as Sabu said looking on as he could hear the commotion that was going on.

He had heard the tales from the village. Of how a evil snake woman had stolen a female from the village a month ago, and no one dared to step foot into her lair lest they bring about her wrath. A good hearted person, he could not bring himself to ignore that someone was in peril and so had set about to find and rescue the girl having traversed the Jungle and coming upon the ruins‘.

Steeling himself he stepped foot knowingly going into the Lions’ Den and could not walk out if things did not go well.

He made his way cautiously, checking to make sure that there was nothing around. By the look of things, all those who dwelled in this place were off further and deeper in it. But he did not relax his guard knowing that danger could be lurking around any corner.

He looked on and his brows narrowed as he saw one there, its back was to him and was in a slouching state which was good for him as it wasn’t focusing making it an easy target.

Stealthily without making the slightest sound he approached the sentry who from the festivities that had happened was unaware of what was going on as Sabu raised up his gun. He slammed the butt of his rifle against the side of its head staggering it out but not knocking it unconscious. Knowing he couldn’t draw attention Sabu got on top of it

He wrapped the firearm over its head and up against its throat. Pressing tightly against the neck and cutting off the oxygen flow of its lungs

The snake being struggled and jerked around in an attempt to get loose but soon succumbed and fall unconscious and was laid on the ground. Sabu looked on making sure no one had heard and noticed the commotion and went to a hiding spot so he could survey his surroundings.

He crouched out of the hiding spot and made his way. The snake people either drunk from their festivities or not paying attention did not notice him as he went on through the ruins. More than once he had to stop and hide as guards made their way and didn’t even breathe until he knew that they had passed.

He saw a doorway and its design was the most grandiose of this place and he knew by looking on that something important was there as he made his way.

He entered the room and looked on at the scene before him

Agnita was seen lying on a cushion of pillows all over to support her body. The Lamia was snoring and surprisingly quite loudly as snorts and snores escaped her. Beneath her lying beside her and wrapped in coils was a young girl and he knew instantly that that was Mari as she was the only human in this place. She slept against Agnita’s lower half not moving as she laid there.

Sabu stealthily approached, if he made so much as a cracking sound, his life could very well end as he made his way to Agnita’s bed and approached the spot where Mari was at. He shook her gently but Mari did not awaken from it.

Reaching into one of his pouches he pulled out small flowers and waved it in front of her face as a potent odor from them filled her nostrils thus awakening her from her sleep.

Mari opened her eyes and they were shown without spirals as she woke up wondering what was that foul smell. She saw a man before her and she gasped in realization that she was no longer under her control now as she had been freed. She saw Sabu and a delighted look appeared on her face as she was being rescued.

He brought a finger to his mouth motioning for her to keep quiet as he slowly undid the coils around her freeing her from The Lamia’s gasp. A sudden snort caught his attention and he looked up but breathed in relief as Agnita continued to snore unaware of what was going on as he continued to undo them from her body before at last freeing her.

“Let’s go.” He quietly said and took Mari by the hand which she gladly accepted and they two hastily ran out of the room.

Agnita started to wake up but did so to only shift and turn over on her side and fell back asleep.

It was then however, that she realized that there was an empty lump in her coils where her slave should be at.

“I’ll get you out of here, I promise.” Sabu told Mari as he lead her as he retraced his steps.

“I thought I’d never get out of here.” Mari said to him gratefully

“Well you don’t have to worry about her anymore.” He told her when they turned a corner

Suddenly he slammed into and knocked something down and both humans eyes widened in alarm as they saw a Naga who looked just as surprised to see them. Realizing what it meant as they weren‘t suppose to be here, he opened his mouth and let out a loud scream.

Not thinking straight he took aim and fired his rifle. The bullet pierced through the reptile’s hide as it fell to the floor. “Shoot!” Sabu cursed as that was a blunder he shouldn’t have done as that caught the attention of all the Nagas in the area now as they heard his rifle go off.

“Run!” He said to Mari as they could hear the sounds of slithering knowing that danger was getting closer.

The two ran through the temple and could hear the yells and shouts from them. From the corner of his eye Sabu saw them getting closer emerging from the darkness.

They came to the hall were Mari earlier had been forced to dance for Agnita’s pleasure and it was there they were trapped.

Numerous Snake people emerged from all doors and exits, even through the cracks in the walls and floors. Hissing and snarling at them as they surrounded them from all sides. Mari, a fearful look on her face hid behind Sabu who waved his rifle at them to keep them at bay but they approached them as dozens of them prepared to attack and overwhelm them.

It looked like his efforts were going to be in vain as they would not escape when he spotted something that could be of use.

He saw an alit fire pot nearby and an idea sprung into his head.

He knocked it over sending flames all over the place and the creatures seeing the fire that seeped everywhere fled in terror shrieking in horror least they be burned by it. “C’mon!” He said grasping Mari again by the hand as he ran and she followed after him as it appeared they now had a clear escape as flames flicked and danced around scattering them and they knocked over other pots as well spilling the contents thus halting their pursuers from chasing after them. Using a Machete he had, he cut off the hanging cloths on the walls to cover and slow them down. A few who did not fear the fire chased after them and Mari saw the Bronze Jar from earlier and tipping it over rolled it after them knocking them down stopping their pursuit.

They continued to run as no more were chasing after them and soon were nearing the entrance and once they got past that they would be able escape this place and be free.

They were about to make it when a roaring sound was heard and from above having scaled the walls Agnita dropped down before them blocking their way.

“You thought that you could escape me?!” Agnita hissed in fury her face twisted and contorted in rage. “That you’d ever leave me!” She shouted and slammed her tail against the stones floor tiles breaking them on impact as her rage was at a highpoint as

He hoisted and aimed his rifle at her but she was unfazed by it as she snarled at him

“Your pathetic fire stick won’t save you.” The Lamia said with a hissing sneer. “My servants shall devour you down to the bone.” Agnita said as she would have them feast on Sabu before this night was over. “And you,” She said to Mari narrowing her eyes over her defiance. “You shall resume being my slave and serving me forever.” She vowed to the girl who backed away from her as she was frightened of The Lamia and what she had done to her.

Sabu reached into his pocket and pulled out a small ball like object made of ceramic and covering his mouth threw it at her. She sneered in disdain and batted it down with her tail thinking nothing of it only for the ball on contact to shatter and release its contents

Purple smoke filled the room and Agnita caught off guard inhaled it through her nose and mouth. “What trickery is this?!” She demanded to know at what was going on and suddenly she began to feel dizzy headed and unable to concentrate as her bangs felt heavy.

“I’ll…kill…you!” She said raising up to her full height as if to dive down and crash him but then lost all feeling in her body.

Agnita fell to the ground with a heavy thud unconscious as the Lamia had collapsed as the fumes were made.

Sabu looked on as The Lamia was unconscious, a heavy sleeping powder had been released when the ball had exploded but it wouldn’t last forever. Agnita would awake and he was out of tricks to combat her, he had to get away now.

He looked on and saw that Mari had also fallen under its effect as she laid on the floor.

He scooped Mari up slinging her over his shoulder and ran out of the ruins, putting miles behind him in minutes as they escaped through the jungle.

“Where are they?!” Agnita demanded to know ten minutes later when she had recovered as she looked on. She searched for them but could not find hide nor hair of either one of them. Her servants cowardly fled lest she directed her anger towards them.

She looked and saw that they were gone, having vanished from her lair as a look of utmost rage showed across Agnita’s face as they had escaped her.

A blood curdling shriek could be heard for miles throughout the jungle.

Point Commission done for hypnotica2002 who wanted a followup story to one I had done before with their OCs
© 2017 - 2024 SaiyanWarrior002
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hypnotica2002's avatar
What an amazing job! :) Great stuff you did there! You did an awesome job! :)